Fryeburg Rescue is a non-profit, quasi-municipal association meaning some of our funding is provided by the towns we serve. Other funding is provided through billing for transport services and donations. Town-provided funding covers only a portion of our operating expenses. Billing for emergency services, typically covered by insurance, is only collected when transport services are provided. We rely on private and public donations to allow us to equip our service with the most advanced equipment and training to best serve our community. All donations in any amount are greatly appreciated. Consider making a donation to Fryeburg Rescue in lieu of flowers. It is a respectful way to honor a loved one and your gift can make a difference in memoriam. Thank you for your generosity and continued support.
- About Fryeburg Rescue
- Our History
- Points of Interest
- Seasonal Tips
- Community CPR Classes
- Community Events - Everyone is welcome!
- Contact Information, Billing Concerns
- Organization & Officers
- Funding & Donations
- Vehicles & Equipment
- FAQ's (Frequently Asked Question's)
- Bylaws, S.O.G.'s, Radio / Phone Numbers
- Schedule, Roster (MEMBERS ONLY)